History of The Market
The market began as result of neighbors having an online conversation... They began collaborating with the Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association and the Jefferson Park Chamber of Commerce. The first two years it was held at the Copernicus Center parking lot. In 2013 it moved to Jefferson Memorial Park, with support of the Jefferson Memorial Park Advisory Council.
By 2015 market footprint had increased to incorporate the whole area surrounding the historic Esdohr House, the house that was part of the property when it was originally donated to the city park system. Also, this was the first year of the Jefferson Park Sunday Market: Winter addition, hosted by a local business. 4 holiday events for Christmas, Superbowl, Valentines day, Easter, and Mothers Day.
In 2016, Jefferson Park Forward, a neighborhood association, became a sponsor and added to the volunteer staff. The Winter Market moved to the Copernicus Center to utilize the larger space in their annex.
2019 Began partnering with a Care for Friends, a nearby group aiding those who experience food insecurity--vendor fees were waived (offset by sponsorships) and food donations were collected in return.

2020 JPSM partnered with the Independence Park and Portage Park markets to provide a pre-order, drive-thru pick up market to support our vendors during the pandemic, while maintaining all safety protocols--known together as the Northwest Side Farmers Market Collective.
2021 JPSM moved to what is technically Mayfair to the Irish American Heritage Center, so that we could adapt to pandemic needs as necessary, but otherwise have a relatively normal market
2022 back at Jefferson Memorial Park for our main season, but also collaborating with our 2020 partners to provide 3 pop up dates at Irish American Heritage Center--where we also have an indoor options to adopt to inclement weather for the beginning and end dates of the season. The Jefferson Park Sunday Market also started partnering with Friendship Presbyterian Church in addressing food insecurity at 5150 Northwest Highway, a nearby affordable housing building, again, thanks to the support of our sponsors.
Over the years we have been a meeting spot for many neighbors, friends, businesses and elected leaders, supporting small businesses as best we can.

Community Help
Community Help Organizations that support the Jefferson Park Sunday Market.

Special Features
We traditionally have a plant swap at the first couple of summer markets. This gives gardeners the opportunity to share the proceeds of those necessary plant divisions and helps with rearranging the forthcoming season.
Our Market also has arts & craft vendors and performing artists, which may be more unique in comparison to other farmers markets. We continue to look for volunteers to help with market functions. Many of the tasks which need to be done are things that are not readily seen by attendees. Some of the items are: Completing City applications; hanging/displaying signs; attracting additional vendors and performing artists. On the day of the market, we help our vendors with set-up and tear-down.
We encourage other charitable or non-for-profit organizations to participate by volunteering at the 'Info table' if they only have handouts; or, getting a free space if they provide set-up and tear-down crews for that day. Otherwise, they can also purchase space as other vendors And, in addition to having plenty of greenery for our four-footed friends to enjoy, we have at least one or two vendors that cater to their needs.