  • We always need Volunteers!

    Click Here to  sign up for summer market shifts

    Find out about volunteer opportunities.

    If you are interested, please email us at


  • Needs During the Summer Market Season

    Prior week:

    - hang ‘Market this Sunday’ signs
    - schedule volunteers
    - touch base with vendors/volunteers/food trucks/performers
    - hang no parking signs from city
    - Facebook/Everyblock/Nextdoor/Instagram/Twitter updates

    Day of:
    Start: (8am -9:30am)
    - Put out ‘Market today’ signs
    - Put out market internal directional sign(s)
    - Hang sponsor banners/signs
    - Position trash cans
    - Police area for trash
    - Facebook/Everyblock/Nextdoor/Instagram/Twitter updates
    - Assist vendors with load in

    Market table staffing: (9:30a- 1:30pm)
    -Be available for:
    -- engaging with public/passersby to hand out promotional materials
    -- questions
    -- recruiting volunteers
    -- place phone calls for emergency, if necessary*

    End: (1:30pm – 2:30pm)
    - Collect ‘Market today’ signs
    - Police area for trash
    - Ensure all vendors have departed and cleaned up after themselves (one person must stay till all are gone)
    - Assist vendors with load out

    - Answer mail
    - Answer email
    - Maintain vendor list
    - Get updates to web-master

    Charity Groups wishing to work for free space may CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP and let the market manager know via an email to: